Local Smithville Activist Beats Protection Order

Bunch on the left

 A petition for a protection order against Kristine Bunch was dismissed. She provided this press release:

I won the case today against              . The judge looked him in the eye, asked his attorney if it was OK to speak to his client and he said “you might not like what Kristine has written online, but this does not warrant a full order of protection. Your petition is denied.”

The case against her was indeed dismissed. In a contentious development,  one of the owners of 110 Smithville LLC sought to obtain a restraining order against her after she led a protest against the company. The company was under investigation for serious and significant violations of the Missouri Clean Air Act. Located prominently at West Main and Mill Streets, the project, spearheaded by 110 Smithville, LLC, promises a sprawling mixed-use complex. Environmental concerns surfaced regarding the project's execution. 

Bunch is no stranger to legal troubles. Shanes Crees and KCPI  filed a detailed Petition for Defamation in court last April against Kristine Bunch. The petition,  outlines a series of defamatory statements made by Bunch on her Facebook page, "Smithville News," which only allows posts by Bunch herself and restricts comments from others. The petition claims that Bunch made numerous false and malicious statements, including accusations of public corruption, misuse of public funds, and collusion between Crees, KCPI, and the Smithville Mayor, Damien Boley. Bunch's posts have allegedly damaged the reputations of Crees and KCPI, provoking public contempt and deterring business associations.
