Former Clay County Election Director Arrested For Fraud

 Wow, it's just heartwarming how they kept this delightful news under wraps until it accidentally slipped onto Facebook...

 In a shocking twist, former Clay County Republican Election Director Patty Lamb was finally apprehended in scenic Gallatin County, Montana, on Wednesday — a mere five months after she mysteriously forgot about her court date back home. According to a probable cause statement dated July 17, 2024, Lamb's embezzled over $15,000 during the two decades she served as Director of the Clay County Election Board. But fear not! These delightful felony charges have been proudly on display in court records since July.

This lil rock was shocked that the grandmotherly official was capable of such dastardly deeds! Not really. Patty seems to be the last of Clay County's corrupt officials that were swept out when a new charter government was enacted in 2022. Although she seems to be the only one that has faced charges. Former county officials Louann Ridgeway and Gene Owens were forced to resign in disgrace over similar corruption but managed to avoid any criminal charges. 

However, the real kicker? Nobody at the county government bothered to mention a word about it until Tuesday, when Commissioner Jason Withington kindly let the cat out of the bag on his highly exclusive Facebook page.

 Now this lil rock has given Jason a lot of crap over his harebrained scheme to bring a stadium to Clay County but we have noticed as of late that he is often the first to speak up on important corruption issues facing the county. 

That being said Withington is taking advantage of the situation to push his plan to add four new members to the Clay County election board.  

Link to the original article: Former Clay County GOP election director arrested in Montana
